08/07/73 Avyakt BapDada Revised: 26/09/94
Where are all of you sitting? Are all of you sitting in the mela? This is a mela in a practical way whereas the othersare melas as a memorial. Many melas are celebrated in many different places with many different names because ofthis mela of the sweet meeting. A special meeting takes place in a mela. To have a mela means to have a meetingtake place. Which mela does this meeting mean? At this time, the main mela taking place is of the soul meeting theFather, that is, the soul with the Supreme Soul; not just in one relationship, but in all relationships. To have arelationship with the Father in all relations means to have a mela where you have all attainments. By celebrating ameeting with the Father in all relationships in one second, you automatically have all attainments, whereas in theother melas, you receive something by spending money. This mela is for having all attainments whereas in the othermelas, if you have some attainment, that is only after giving something. However, what do you give here? You onlygive those things which you are not able to look after, do you not? Do you give anything good here? You only giveto the Father the things which you are not able to look after. And through doing this, what did you make the Father?You made Him into the Server, did you not? You normally keep a servant to look after your own things. You onlygive the Father the things which you cannot control. Is there anything else which you have given to the Father? Ifyou attain multimillions after only giving rubbish, then would you call that giving or receiving? That would be calledreceiving, would it not? All the other melas are for giving, and so, if you receive something after giving, then what isthe big deal? However, this mela is for attaining all attainments. You can attain as much as you want of whateveryou want. So, have you seen any such mela where you have all attainments? You have all come to such a mela now,and one thing in a mela is a meeting, and what is the other thing? In other melas, you become dirty, whereas what doyou become here? You become clean. You have become clean, have you not? Or, are you even now still becomingclean? What happens after the cleaning? You are decorated and a tilak is applied. Now, are you applying the tilak ofconstant remembrance on yourself and decorating yourselves with the ornaments of the divine virtues? So here, inthis mela, you meet and you also celebrate. Together with this, there are also fun and games in a mela. A fair (mela)and games (khela, khel) both take place together at the same time. If you constantly remember the two words melaand khela, then what stage would you create?
If your stage ever fluctuates, the reason is that you keep your intellect aside from the mela, that is, from the meeting,that is, you move away from the mela and do not consider it to be a khel (game). So, constantly remember the twowords: Mela and khel. Everything is included in a mela. You were told previously, the things of which a meetingtakes place. When you remember the word mela, it means harmony of sanskars, the meeting of the Father with thechildren, and the meeting of all attainments through having all relationships with the Father; all are included in this.The main thing is that this world is a play. However, the different tests and stages of Maya that come are also a gamefor you. If you consider it to be a game, you would never be distressed by the game; you would constantly belaughing. And so, even the tests are a game. Thirdly, when you consider it to be a game, a part, then it is the play ofthe players that you see with their various sanskars and is fixed in this unlimited game. When you have thisawareness, your stage will never fluctuate. You will constantly have a constant stage. When you have the awarenessthat this is a variety part, that it is a variety part within the variety drama, a play, then, is it possible that there wouldnot be variety within the play, since it is called the variety drama? In the limited theatres, they have different playswith different names. For instance, if something is called unnecessary bloodshed without cause, and you see anyfearsome and painful scene, then would you be disturbed by it? You would understand that the entire play is ofunnecessary bloodshed. You would have this awareness before you see it. In the same way, when there are stories offighting, battling or anger, then would you laugh or cry on seeing them?
You would definitely laugh, would you not? Because you know that that is a game. In the same way, the name ofthis unlimited game is the variety drama or play. So, would you ever be disturbed on seeing the variety of sanskars,the variety of natures and the various situations? Or, would you be a detached observer and observe it with a constantstage? So, if you consider and remember it to be a variety play, then whatever effort you consider to be difficult tomake would not be difficult, would it? When you forget these two words, the mela and the khel, you cause distress toyourself, because you let go of the seat of remembrance, that is, the seat of being a detached observer. What wouldbe the state of someone who watches a play after having let go of his seat? So, having set yourself on the seat andhaving the awareness of the variety drama, if you observe every part of every actor, you would always remaincheerful. You would say "Wah! wah!" through your lips, and say: Wah! sweet drama! You would not say, "Whathappened?" "Why did this happen?", but instead, you would say, "Wah! wah!", that is, you would constantly dance inhappiness. You would constantly experience yourself to be a master almighty authority. Do you experience yourselfto be this in a practical way? When you move away from the mela, you become distressed. And when you let go ofthe hand, then also, you get distressed. In this way, you let go of the Father's hand. Do you understand the meaningof, "Letting go of the Father's hand"? The Father does not have any physical hands. Shrimat is the hand, and theyoga of the intellect is the company. So, when you let go of the hand and the company in the mela, that is, when youmove away from the Father, you get distressed. If you did not let go of the hand and the company, you wouldconstantly remain in happiness. Therefore, now constantly look at your own part and the part of others whilstconsidering this to be a mela and a khel (game). This is an easy and common matter, that is, it is an old matter. Haveyou made the old things constant or, at the time of need, do you sometimes forget this and sometimes remember it?You are told of this because, if you constantly remember the two words, you would constantly remain in happinessand be the embodiment of power. Now, the time is not for wasting in trivial matters or in the obstacles of ordinarythoughts. Now, the time has come for you to become master creators and give blessings to your future subjects andbhagats through the powers you have attained. Now is the time to give, not the time for the self to be taking. If, atthe time of giving, you continue to take, then when would you give? In satyug? Will there be a need for this there?So, now is the time to make your creation overflowing. Now is not the time for wasting all the powers on the self orfor experimenting with them on the self and thereby finishing them in this, that is, it is not the time to eat what youhave earnt. At first, it was the time to eat what you had earnt. But what is the time for now? It is now the time togive to all souls what you have accumulated. Otherwise, your subjects and bhagats will be deprived of theseattainments, and they will remain as beggars. So, as the children of the Bestower and the Bestower of Blessings, willyou yourselves not become the bestowers and the bestowers of blessings? When all souls come to you in the form ofbeggars to receive something, will the children of the Merciful Father not have mercy for all souls? Will you not feelmercy for them, or will you be able to bear to see them distressed? In a lokik way also, a limited creator cannot bearto see his limited creation unhappy or distressed. So, now, you are also master creators, that is, is this the task of justthe Father or is it also yours? All of you are also master creators, and so a master creator cannot bear to see thesorrow of separation or the distress of his creation. At that time, he has to give them something. If you do notaccumulate a stock from the present time, but you continue to eat and finish what you have earnt, then what wouldyou give them? You now have to look at your chart. According to the present time, what register does a mastercreator need to look at? What mistakes you have made is the register of childhood. However, what chart should amaster creator check now? Whilst keeping every power in front of you, check your chart as to which power, out ofall the powers, you accumulated today and to what percentage: Now, check your chart in the account of accumulation. You have to apply a full stop to the expenditure. Will you, even now, continue to spend for the self?
To give to others is not expenditure. This is like giving one and attaining a hundred thousand. That is not counted inthe account of expenditure, but in the account of accumulation. When you use your powers for your own obstacles,that is expenditure. When an obstacle arises, the expenditure of time spent in finishing that obstacle and the wealth ofknowledge used to finish that has to be saved. Just as that Government creates a savings scheme, so too, theAlmighty Government is also now ordering all the children to create a savings scheme. Apply a full stop to theexpenditure. At present, continue to give. Is anything still remaining in terms of receiving? If it still remains, then itproves that you have not claimed the full inheritance from the Father. However, the Father has not kept anything withHimself. He will give you the full inheritance in one second, so that nothing remains to be received. So now, willyou know how to save or is it that you have developed the habit of spending? There are many who do not know howto accumulate. They are not able to accumulate, and, in fact, they develop the habit of spending more and incurringdebt. Here, also, when you spend all your powers, you say that such苔nd貞uch a Didi or Dadi or BapDada should giveyou something. You take on credit. First of all, think whose children you are. You are the children of the Master ofthe unlimited treasures. Do you have this intoxication? When you are the masters and so the children of unlimitedtreasures, and you then take the powers on credit from others, what would you be called? Very sensible? You do notbecome so over苞lever, do you? Do you know the yuktis for saving in the savings scheme? What is the easiest andthe most elevated method for saving through which you are able to save all powers? How will you create yourbudget? Only when you first make a budget will you then be able to check it. How can you create it so that you canautomatically accumulate? To create a budget means to fix a programme for every moment for your intellect, foryour words and for your actions. When you create a budget, you arrange it so that you only spend a certain amount ofit, and then your expenditure is created according to that. Only then is your task accomplished successfully accordingto the budget. So, to create a budget means to awaken at amrit vela and to arrange a plan for your intellect and forwhat you have to do through words and for what you have to do through actions. That is, you have to create a diaryfor all three for every day. After making a diary for every day, you then have to check as to whether you performedyour tasks according to whatever you arranged for the intellect. Or, is it that the budget is one thing and the plan issomething else? So, the easy yukti to accumulate all your powers is to create a plan for your thoughts, words andactions for every day. If, at amrit vela, you fix what the intellect has to remain busy in throughout the day, then allwastage would be finished. If you finish the wastage, then it becomes something powerful. In order to finish thewasteful, make your intellect a planning intellect. Only by making your intellect a planning intellect will you be ableto accumulate powers, because otherwise, all the powers that you use are spent wastefully. If the account of wastageis finished, you would automatically be able to save. In order to finish the wastage, write your daily diary. In thisway, fix your time as to what special thoughts you are to have in your intellect for the day and what you willaccomplish through your words for that day. By fixing this, your energy that is wasted by ordinary and wastefulwords will be saved. Whatever you do not waste becomes the best. Those who waste anything can never become thebest. Look at everything and increase your savings scheme. Only then will you be able to become master creators.At present, you do not have the power to become a master creator and to create a creation. If you cannot become amaster creator, what would you have to become? If you do not know how to look after anyone, you would have to belooked after, would you not? So, instead of being a master creator, you would have to become the creation. So, youhave to become a master creator, do you not? Simply keep the two words you were told, "Mela and khel" in yourawareness at all times, and you will be able to create a savings scheme. Then, you will save the thoughts, time andpower that you use wastefully. For this, simply keep your discipline firm. You think that you will do something, butyou do not keep that discipline as a daily discipline.
It remains in force for one month and then Maya begins to come, that is, Maya begins her task of making youunconscious. So, what do you have to do for this?
When you see that someone is not gaining consciousness, you give him injection after injection. Or, when anoperation is being performed, then, so that the patient does not feel anything, an injection is given. When you feelthat your force is going towards making you unconscious, that is, when you feel the force of Maya beginning, whatinjection will you give then? You have attention and checking anyway. However, together with that, check thediscipline of taking full power from the Power虐ouse at amrit vela every day. This is the strongest injection of all. Ifyou make the connection with the Father at amrit vela, then you would be saved from being made unconscious byMaya for the whole day. This injection is missing. There should be a good connection. It should not be that you justwake up and sit there. Of course, you observe the discipline of waking up and sitting there, but is your connectiongood, that is, do you experience having all attainments? If you take an injection but do not experience any power,then understand that the injection has not fully accomplished its task. In this way, the connection of amrit vela meansto experience all powers and all attainments. This is the strongest injection of all.
First of all, check if the beginning of amrit vela is good. If the beginning is not good, then the middle and the end willnot be good either. If you do not have the practice of experiencing anything from the beginning, then you would notbe able to experience the beginning of the world, which is all the happiness of the beginning of the world cycle. Thisis the beginning of the whole day, and so, if you let go of this beginning, and you then awaken and sit down or forge aconnection after some time or after a few hours, then to the extent that you are late here, so accordingly, you would belate there. Because, the first chance of appointment time for meeting BapDada is given to the children. Then, it is thetime for the bhagats. If you forge a connection at the time for the bhagats, then you cannot receive the blessings thatthe children receive. This is why this time has a connection with that time. The most important and first item on thebudget is this: amrit vela, that is, the beginning. At that time, check whether you are going to come in the beginningor after a few births. The hours here are equivalent to the births there. To the extent that you miss the hours here, soyou will miss that many births there. This is what there is a weakness in. Of course, everyone sits there. If you wereto see the scene of that moment, you would enjoy yourself a great deal. The scene at that time is such that it seemslike the museum of the hatha yogis in Jaipur. Many different types of hatha yoga are shown. The scene of amrit velais such that some try to control their sleep with force and others pass their time in desperation and some are hangingupside down, that is, they are not able to carry out the task for which they are sitting there. Those hatha yogis areshown standing on one leg, some are hanging upside down and some are in different postures. Here also, the scene atthat time is like this. Some pass one second very well, then if you look at them the next second, they are standing onone foot and then the other foot falls. They think that they will accumulate something today, but they are not able todo this. This scene is worth seeing. Some even have yoga whilst sleeping. Just as those people sleep on thorns withforce, here, they sleep on a bed of snakes. The posture here of this time is also very wonderful. This is why you weretold that by knowing the importance of amrit vela and by putting it into your practical life, you can become great. Ifyou do not create your plans at amrit vela, what would you put into the practical form?
A lokik task is also only accomplished properly when you have a proper plan. If you do not create a plan, you cannotbe successful. If you do not fix your plan in this way at amrit vela, you are not able to attain the success that youshould from your thoughts, words and actions. Now understand the importance of this and become great.
Now you have clearly been told what effort still remains to be made. By making your amrit vela all right, everythingelse will become good. Just as you become immortal by drinking nectar, so too, by making amrit vela successful, youwill receive the blessing of becoming immortal. Then, throughout the day, you will not be confused by any obstacles. You will be immortal in constantly remaining cheerful and constantly powerful. If you do not take the blessing thatyou receive at amrit vela of becoming immortal, then you have to labour very hard. You then have to labour hard andincur expenditure. Otherwise, by taking the blessing of being immortal, you can be saved from labouring and also the expenditure. Achcha.
To such souls who stay with the Father and those who celebrate a meeting through their every thought at every second; to those who are not separated by even one thought for even one second; to the players and the intense effort衫akers who constantly observe every scene whilst being set on their seat of remembrance; as detached observers; to those who become the embodiment within one second with one thought, that is, the moment they have the thought,t hey become the embodiment, to such intense effort衫aking souls who have received the blessing of being immortal, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
Blessing: May you be those who experience being the practical embodiment of soul consciousness, that is, whilst going into the expansion, may you remain stabilised in the essence苯ull form. Where there is the practical, visible form, there is no need for visions. Those children who have the blessing of practically experiencing the practical form of soul consciousness say, with authority and faith, that they have seen the soul and experienced it. Whilst walking and moving around, they experience the form of light. For this, you have to practise stabilising yourself in the form of the essence. In service, whilst going into the expansion, do not forget the experience of the seed, the essence. Slogan: To finish any name or mention of sorrow and peacelessness is to be a conqueror of attachment.
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